DevOps4Lib Fall Summit 2024

Room A


A short way description on how to find the room

Talks in this room:
 9:00 ! Live

Day 1 Coffee and Sign In

F. Kayiwa

 9:30 ! Live

Introductions and Summit planning and guidelines

F. Kayiwa, B. Sadler

 10:30 ! Live

Highest Vote I

B. Sadler

 11:45 ! Live

Affinity Group A (Breakout)

T. Anonymous

 12:30 ! Live

Lunch Logistics

V. Karasic

 13:15 ! Live

Highest Vote II

F. Kayiwa

 14:30 ! Live

PM Affinity Group A (Breakout)

T. Anonymous

 15:30 ! Live

Day 1 Retrospective and Wrap-up

F. Kayiwa

 16:30 ! Live

Happy Hour

V. Karasic

 9:00 ! Live

Day 2 Coffee and sign-in

V. Karasic

 9:45 ! Live

Highest Vote III

T. Anonymous

 11:00 ! Live

Day 2 Affinity Group A (Breakout)

T. Anonymous

 12:00 ! Live

Day 2 Retrospective and Wrap-up

F. Kayiwa

 13:00 ! Live

HackFest Group A

T. Anonymous